A message! I love how you highlight the importance of looking inwards when faced with difficulties in our relations. A great reminder 🤍🤍🤍

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts! I was definitely challenged by this point too 😊. Much love xox

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Adjoa

This reminds me of Trevor Noah’s definition of who a friend is on the Jay Shetty Podcast

Insightful read Adjoa!

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I definitely will have to go and watch this! Thank you so much for reading Oheneba 🧡.

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This brings a lot to mind. I found it interesting how you categorize friends in three groups. Never thought of categorizing people... taking notes lol.

On best friends, I guess one thing I have come to see is how a best friend can gradually become an acquaintance during major life changing moments. Some people will be in our lives for a season, some for a lifetime, but through it all I guess friendships require an investment of time, and most of all a mutual willingness to see growth and stay far away from envy and selfishness. It’s super interesting how pursuing purpose changes people and consequently friendships. Communication as always is key, ensuring we have mutual values, because a best friend in one season, changes when you discover yourself and your values change. Like any mature relationship, it takes check ins, with each other, to ensure both are walking in unity and not harboring hurts that can strain the relationship.

You are also right! Sometimes we point at others but we need to look within. I recall seeing a lot of people posting quotes in their status about cutting people off. Truth is, after a lot of cutting, it gets lonely.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I guess we just have to be “great friends” to others in whatever season we find ourselves or that they are in when they meet us. By friend in this case: I will say supporting, encouraging, nurturing. A friend being the type of person who yearns to see another grow without receiving anything except the joy of seeing another fulfilled. These are life long friends. The Bible tells us to encourage one another. I guess this is it.

Truthfully all friends and family need boundaries, it all depends on how that is communicated lol. That will have to be expanded.

Like I mentioned your post brings a lot to mind, I could go on and on and on. Your post just got me thinking a lot about friendships and it’s taking me on a journey filled with memories and flashbacks lol.

Thank you for sharing this Adjoa.

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Hey Dela! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, they bring a lot to mind also. I especially like your point on the change in friendships throughout the different stages in life 🌿. I find that some of my best friendships are where we have the least communication 😂.

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