Ye da wa see paaah as well for sharing. “You are never alone”. I guess reaching out to others in times of help is the biggest hurdle many have to cross, I am guilty of this, I guess that comes with letting go of fears of being rejected after we open up. Maybe we need a whole post on this by you. How do you go about this (reaching out) and learning to open up for help. Goddess braids...think you had one similar to that in your trip to Noldor. You have amazing hair by the way. Realized you were reading a book on your trip to the North by an African writer, wondering if that inspired you as well. Definitely watching the space for more of what this community can be. Ghana is an amazing place. Thank you for sharing your journey and inspirations. We definitely need a part two QnA session✨

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Thank you so much Dela for your thoughtful comment ✨! Suggestion noted 💡 📝. I think many of us can relate to those fears. Re the hair, I give Adnan all the credit 👌🏽. Yes, that book! That definitely inspired me. I want to read it again and then I’m sure I’ll remember what it was exactly that it taught me. Thank you for your support and being here. You are a valued member of our community 🌱.

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